Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29

Bess and I helped out at a birthday party today and we got to see all of the animals at the farm. 
This is the giant, GIANT pig and it was just sleeping.....spiders on it's back and all.

September 28

They're staring to become broken in!!!

September 27

September 26

The air conditioning is broken and I'm home sick.

September 25

Sometimes the princess has to wait in the tower for a long time...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18

Fun people right here.

September 17

*insert music here*
Workin' at the car wash
for Dance Company...

September 16

September 15


September 14

Too many cars on the way to dance

September 13

Finding old pictures is so much fun!!!

September 12

Apparently i have "skinny toes".....

September 11

In honor of the 10th anniversary 

September 10

it's a lime
cut away-ish

September 9

September 8

Studying is not fun.

September 7

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6

a useful thing

September 5

September 4

Baking cookies with Maggie = So much fun!!!

September 3

"Someone didn't get the white uniform memo" 

September 2

September 1

Work Work Work

August 30

Have fun in Alabama girls!!!

August 31

August 29

August 28

Electricity. Still on at our house yet still gone almost everywhere else. Electricity. Something taken for granted very often.

August 27

Dear Hurricane Irene,
Thank you for locking us in our basement for the night.
Thank you for letting us find these books and re-live our other hurricane adventures.
Thank you for not destroying our house. 

August 26

Why is it always Professor Plum in the Kitchen with the Rope and why does Ms Peacock always win???

August 25

August 24

School Supplies.....