Monday, November 28, 2011

November 27

On the road again...

November 26

Gram's new gingerbread house for the carolers that took forever to get out of the box

November 25

Sunrise on our way to Gram and Grantch's house.

November 24

My two families of cousins...
The ones that are easy to get a good picture of and the ones that aren't.
You figure out which one is which.

November 23

Everybody wants to be like Jonathan and Jackson

November 22

Note to self:
Don't try to take pictures when in cave

November 21

Painting Pottery with Hannah

November 20

Sweet Jackson :)

November 19

We went to the Titanic Museum today and here's our cousin picture 

November 18

A bunch of middle schoolers + a camera + freezing coldness outside =

November 17

November 16

Happy last day of school MOM!!!!!!!!!!!

November 15

I have the bestest friends :~)

November 14

The battery in our garage remote died and guess who was trapped outside for an hour after school...

November 13

9 chocolate cakes turned into cake pops

November 12

9 cakes we baked
9 cakes we baked today for our science project
9 is a big number

November 11



November 10

Rain and Target
Target and Rain

November 9

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8

November 7

Look what was peeping through the window as I was leaving for school...


November 6

November 5


November 4

I had the privilege of getting to dance at the Women's Retreat tonight with Bess and Ms Kristen. Um...well...I've never made people cry while I danced before so that was a good feeling inside :) 

November 3

They're back...

November 2

Someone's a little excited to get a letter from her friend...

November 1

The absolute BEST way to spend my Tuesday afternoon is with these crazy people. Today we tried on every (and I mean EVERY) costume we own. Let me be the first to tell you that we have a LOT of costumes :)