Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29

Happy LEAP Day!!!

February 28

February 27

So the cookies were made yesterday...
now there's two...
Who let cookie monster into this house???

February 26

Bess...The egg is supposed to go INTO the bowl....not on the counter.

February 25

February 24

If only I had checked this BEFORE I walked from school to Rita's in the rain after school.

February 23

Great Job Mom on your dress rehearsal for the teacher's act! You dominated!

February 22

February 21

A ballerina butter knife 

February 20

Us goofing off while we visit Bess' new turf

February 19

I wore the sock monkey slippers you gave me today because it's your day!!

February 18

Cookies are better when made with friends :)

February 17

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 16


February 15

Congratulation Baby Sissy!!!

February 14

"You are goning to go on a vacation." 

Does this mean we're going to Disney World???


February 13

It's done!
My leadership application is done!

February 12

What a great way to kick off our school week :)
This was a great movie!

February 11

it's a MUSHROOM!!!

February 10

My crazy friends...gotta love 'em

February 9

And I called her my friend!
(she's still my friend, no worries, we've worked this little mishap up :) )

February 8

My school is "fly"

February 7

February 6

Look what I found when I got home from dance tonight

February 5

Happy Super Bowl with everyone home again!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 4

We went to the movies tonight and I thought this captured the essence of the movie theater.
Big Miracle...highly recommend it!
It was amazing!!!

February 3

We go to Chick-fil-a
We play Scrabble (and sometimes ruin the board)
Nothing beats us on a Friday night

February 2

Thank you Gram for cleaning the haunted chandelier 

February 1

Dance Company 1 went to festival today and it was pretty good!
I think this picture pretty much summarizes Megan in a nutshell.