Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31

Valerie Tripp Came to our Library today and I went with Mary and Ms Kristen, it was so fun :)
Mary tried on lots of the outfits that were there and I really liked the yellow raincoat because I remember trying the outfits on in 2007!

March 30

Daddy-Daughter Date Night, while Mom and Bess were at Dress Rehearsal we went out to dinner and watched (the first part) of the Bourne Supremacy.

March 29

Sleeping Beauty Tech Rehearsal

March 28

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4

Can it be?
Is it true??
I think it is!!!
Today was the final touches day and our studio is finished and up and running!!!
Thanks Daddy!!!

March 3

We went to go hear Francis Chan tonight at the Navy Chapel. It was a really cool experience even if the sound wasn't all. but it was still very cool!

March 2

These three ballerinas are absolutely gorgeous and amazing!!!
They're just great!!!
and thanks Marjory for letting me borrow your snazzy camera!!!

March 1

Happy March!!! Let's do homework outside!!!