Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25

This makes me happy :)

April 24

Why are we studying Maryland Maps in US Government class....
Didn't we do this in 4th Grade?
And don't I have a 4th Grade teacher mom?
I should know.

April 23

YAY!!! Carter Dance Wear!!!!

April 22

Fun Crocs feet in the nursery today 

April 21

This is Crocky. He and his other reptile friends scared the bejezees out of me. 
I freaked out on a 1st grader. No joke. 
Lesson learned I guess. 
Don't let her take me into the creepy reptile basement. :)

April 20

April 19

So I was asleep when suddenly...I am awakened and then reminded that I didn't take a picture.
Here's my spur of the moment picture.

April 18

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17

If only you could hear the laughter coming from this picture

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16

The sun is shining down on STAR Week today...with a high of 88 today!!!

April 15

April 14

Aren't my friends so awesome?!?!

April 13

What a goober!

April 12

April 11

What happened  to the bunny?!?!?!

April 10

Poor thing doesn't feel good :(

April 9

On the road again...

April 8

Happy Easter!

April 7

I love the farm...who wouldn't??

April 6

Sisters and Pink Lemonade

April 5

How many ** year old women can fit in their senior prom dresses???
I'll give you a's my mom!

April 4

Who knew that she could match the wall of a bathroom on the way to Tennessee...

April 3