Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28

Happy National Dance Day!!!!

July 27

July 26

I was almost asleep when I jolted awake with realization that I hadn't taken a picture of the day...
So I looked at the clock and saw this...

July 25

What is this...
We couldn't figure it out...

July 24

I've missed this cool chick

July 23

We're coming HOME!!!!

July 22

Fun afternoon at the Bald River Falls with the Trew Crew

July 21

July 20

July 19

Thank you Gram and Grantch for our fabulous beach week!!!

July 18

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...
I've missed my pretty sister!!!

July 17

What weirdo came up with this idea on Redneck Night???

July 16

I'm loving summer vacation!!!

July 15

That looks like a nice place to nap to me!

July 14


July 13

What a great performance!!!

July 12

What a photogenic farm ;)

July 11

Let the road-tripping begin!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 8

We made root beer floats this afternoon to keep ourselves from melting!

July 7

Very fun Daddy-Daughter treat!

July 6

July 5


July 4

I loved getting to watch the parade with these cutie patoties!! 

July 3

Why has it only been 4 days as an only child. I'm not fit to be an only child!!! 
I miss my baby sister!!!

July 2

I just finished reading this book and it was really really good. 
Highly Recommended 

July 1

Happy Happy Birthday Party Day Rachel!!