Today: First day of High School
Morning: started off good with an embarrassing walk down the red carpet lined with cheering teachers and listening to important people talk, getting schedules, maps, tours, and trying to get people to sign up for clubs.
Afternoon: "A" day classes go alright with the occasional ALMOST getting lost but never actually getting lost, lunch outside on the front lawn of the building with a live band, "B" day classes went a little worse than "A" day classes with the occasional fact that during the very last thing for the day (geometry no less) the room began shaking. Oh yes and what did we smart freshman think to do??? Did we hid under the desks to protect ourselves from the possiblilty of the old building collapsing on us? NO. We sat there and laughed all wondering what was going on until we were evacuated due to the 5.9 earthquake.
Oh, yeah this year's gonna be GREAT!!!!
What a first day!!! Sounds like you will have a super time at SPHS. We know you will do great things. Love you gobs!!!